
How to cook
Pound and mash the smoke fish after taking out the bones. Pound and mash the dry shrimps after cleaning them. Slice the pig meat into small bits. Slice and mash the fish paste completely. Cut open the coconut and get its milk: 300ml for Phase One, and 300 ml for Phase Two. Take out the seeds and the inside of the smoke spices, clean them and mash them. Slice the citronella trunks into tiny bits and then pound them together with saffron, Amomum Galanga and citrus hystrix leaves to make a mash mixture. Mix water with the ripe tamarind and make a small bowl of sour solution. Fry the egg plants until they look brown. Fry the spices until they turns red. Cook the Phase One 300 ml coconut milk until it turns a little brown color. Add the fried spice and then the mash mixture into it, and leave the combination to shiver using medium source of cooking power. Put the mashed pig meat and leave it to cook. Put the shrimps and smoke fish, mingle them in the solution, then add some prahok, sugar and some more coconut milk and leave it to moderately shiver foe 10 minutes. Then, put citrus hystrix leaves and the bowl of tamarind water, and leave the solution to cook another 5 minutes. Finally put the eggplant and stir the soup. Then, taste it, and that's it.

Ingredients- 1 kg of mud fish;- 1 ripe coconut fruit;- 5 trunks of citronella;- 0.5 kg of smoke fish;- 0.5 kg of garlic;- Bits of saffron, Amomum Galanga, Amomum Zingiber;- 6 leaves of citrus hystrix and some peels;- 2 ripe bell pepper fruits;- 1 duck egg; salt, sugar, fish, sauce, MSG;- Leaves of star fruit and banana trees
How to cook
Cut the fish in to small slices and take the bones out Slice and crush the citronella trunks and pound them together with saffron, Amomum Galanga, Amomum Zingiber, citrus hystrix leaves to make a mash mixture Slice the smoke spices into small bits Break the coconut fruit, squeeze the nut to get its milk by making the phase-one milk and phase-two milk Cut the ripe bell pepper into two Pour half of the phase-one coconut milk into a frying pan to cook until it turns a litter brown Then, put into the pan the spices and the mash mixture, and stir it up Add the phase-two milk and turn off the cooking gas after the solution becomes cooked and dry enough After that, add the fish, salt, fish sauce, sugar, egg, and fully mix up the ingredients Make package of banana leaves, lay star fruit leaves at the bottom of the package, then put enough of the cooked fish on the star fruit leaves, and then top it with a bit of citrus hystrix leaves and ripe bell pepper. Turn on the gas and cook the dish again Add 1 spoonful of the phase-one coconut milk into the fish, and leave it to cook for a short while. And the dish is done.
How to cook
Cut the fish in to small slices and take the bones out Slice and crush the citronella trunks and pound them together with saffron, Amomum Galanga, Amomum Zingiber, citrus hystrix leaves to make a mash mixture Slice the smoke spices into small bits Break the coconut fruit, squeeze the nut to get its milk by making the phase-one milk and phase-two milk Cut the ripe bell pepper into two Pour half of the phase-one coconut milk into a frying pan to cook until it turns a litter brown Then, put into the pan the spices and the mash mixture, and stir it up Add the phase-two milk and turn off the cooking gas after the solution becomes cooked and dry enough After that, add the fish, salt, fish sauce, sugar, egg, and fully mix up the ingredients Make package of banana leaves, lay star fruit leaves at the bottom of the package, then put enough of the cooked fish on the star fruit leaves, and then top it with a bit of citrus hystrix leaves and ripe bell pepper. Turn on the gas and cook the dish again Add 1 spoonful of the phase-one coconut milk into the fish, and leave it to cook for a short while. And the dish is done.
Samdech Sangha Raja Jhotañano Choun Nath (born March 11, 1883 - died September 25, 1969) is the late Supreme Patriarch Kana Mahanikaya of Cambodia. Amongst his achievements is his effort in conservation of the Khmer language in the form of the Khmer dictionary. His protection of Khmer identity and history in the form of the national anthem, Nokor Reach and Savada Khmer are also amongst his contribution to the country. Conserving the Khmer Language Venerable Chuon Nath was the head of a reformist movement in the Khmer Buddhist Sangha which developed a rationalist-scholastic model of Buddhism, rooted in linguistic studies of the Pali Canon. This new movement, known as Dhammayuttika Nikaya, influenced young Khmer monks in the early 20th century. The new movmenet also cultivated Khmer-language identity and culture, giving rise to the notion of Cambodian nationalism. Chuon Nath pushed for a series of innovations in the Khmer Sangha beginning in the early twentieth century: the use of print for sacred texts (rather than traditional methods of hand-inscribing palm-leaf manuscripts); a higher degree of expertise in Pali and Sanskrit studies among monks; a vision of orthodoxy based on teaching of Vinaya texts for both monks and lay-people; and modernization of teaching methods for Buddhist studies. He also oversaw the translation of the entire Buddhist Pali cannon into Khmer language; and the creation of the Khmer language dictionary. The French set up its protectorate over Cambodia and intended to replace the Khmer language with its own through the so-called "pseudo-French intellectuals." This intention rallied many Cambodian scholars to the course of conserving the Khmer language; one such scholar was Samdech Choun Nath. A son of farmers who later became a monk, Samdech Choun Nath dedicated his life to upholding Buddhism and the conservation of Khmer language in the country that was highly influenced by French colonialism. He had an extensive knowledge of the Khmer language. He was probably the most famous and most knowledgeable monk Cambodia had ever had. A master in Buddha’s teaching, he was very well known around the Buddhism circle as well as very adept at languages. Throughout his life he encouraged the use of "Khmerization" in both public education and religions. What Samdech Choun Nath meant by "Khmerization" was he wanted to derive new Khmer words from its ancestral roots, the Pali and Sanskrit languages. For example, when the train arrived first in Cambodia, there was no Khmer word for the train. Samdech Choun Nath thus derived the word for train from Sanskrit and Pali word of Ayomoyo which means something that's made of metal. Together with the word Yana which means vehicle, came the Khmer word for train which we know today as Ayaksmeyana, pronounced Ayak-smey-yean. However, Samdech Choun Nath’s Khmerization wasn't overall accepted by all Khmers. Other scholars such as Keng Vannsak who were pro-French didn't find the kind of Khmer words derived from Pali and Sanskrit to be convenient. They revolutionized another kind of derivation which they want to adopt normalized French word into Khmer vocabulary. The only major change was to use Khmer alphabet to write the word rather than using the Roman alphabets used by the French. But despite opposition, Samdech Choun Nath’s Khmerization succeeded. He was a member of the original committee granted royal order to compile a Khmer dictionary in 1915 and was credited as the founder of the dictionary as he pushed for and finally succeeded in printing the first edition of the current Khmer dictionary in 1967. Samdech Choun Nath’s other contribution to Cambodia include the current national anthem, Nokoreach. Nokoreach was written to correspond to the motto of the nation, "Nation, Religion, King" as well as demonstrate the grandeur and the mighty past of the Khmer nation. Savada Khmer Samdech Choun Nath's ballad Savada Khmer calls for all Khmer to unite, to remember and to uphold the great history of the Khmer people. English Translation All Khmers, please remember the root and history of our great country Our boundary was wide and well known Others always thought highly of our race And always placed our race as the elders. We have great heritage and culture Which has spread far and wide in the Far East. Religion, arts and education, Music, philosophy and strategies are all that we've spread. All Khmers, please remember our roots and history Which speaks of the grandeur of our great race Make up your mind and body and try hard to rebuild In order to lift the value of our nation To once again rise to the greatness that we once had.

Sihanouk Ville known as “Kampong Som” province is located along the sea and South Western side of Cambodia. It takes about 4 hours by bus from Phnom Penh and it is 250 kilometers. Sihanouk Ville is gradually developed, and a few new towns are under construction. This only international seaport of Sihanouk Ville makes Cambodia develop faster, now it also serves as a port for import, export cargos and tourist cruise boats.
Security at the moment is not a problem for tourists who would like go on vacation. The number of tourists is still low, but it will increase rapidly. White sand beaches are innate and unruffled. Ochheuteal, Sokha, Otress, Independence are popular beaches for sunbathing, snorkeling; swimming and relaxing. Unfortunately, some of the beaches are controlled by private companies.
Town of Sihanouk Ville was constructed in 1950 during the French time (1863-1953). It served as a beach and industrial town. It is best suited for industrial purposes because cargos are transported in and out every day making this port very busy. The beaches attract local and foreign tourists from Phnom Penh and overseas. Recently, the airport of Sihanouk Ville was reopened for tourists from Siem Reap and Phnom Penh. Angkor Beer factory produces local beer. There are many companies that like to invest to this region. In the near future new towns will be constructed near the old one.
General Information:
How to get in?
You can reach Sihanouk Ville from Phnom Penh city by bus or taxi and it takes about 4 hours and costs you around US $5. Recently, Siem Reap airways have flights from Siem Reap to Sihanouk Ville directly and this will increase the number of tourists. If you visit Kampot and want to continue to Sihanouk Ville it will take just about one and a half hour. Tourists can come to Sihanouk Ville from Koh Kong province, where the international border serves as the doorway between Cambodia and Thailand. Buses and boats can reach Sihanouk Ville from Koh Kong.
Security at the moment is not a problem for tourists who would like go on vacation. The number of tourists is still low, but it will increase rapidly. White sand beaches are innate and unruffled. Ochheuteal, Sokha, Otress, Independence are popular beaches for sunbathing, snorkeling; swimming and relaxing. Unfortunately, some of the beaches are controlled by private companies.
Town of Sihanouk Ville was constructed in 1950 during the French time (1863-1953). It served as a beach and industrial town. It is best suited for industrial purposes because cargos are transported in and out every day making this port very busy. The beaches attract local and foreign tourists from Phnom Penh and overseas. Recently, the airport of Sihanouk Ville was reopened for tourists from Siem Reap and Phnom Penh. Angkor Beer factory produces local beer. There are many companies that like to invest to this region. In the near future new towns will be constructed near the old one.
General Information:
How to get in?
You can reach Sihanouk Ville from Phnom Penh city by bus or taxi and it takes about 4 hours and costs you around US $5. Recently, Siem Reap airways have flights from Siem Reap to Sihanouk Ville directly and this will increase the number of tourists. If you visit Kampot and want to continue to Sihanouk Ville it will take just about one and a half hour. Tourists can come to Sihanouk Ville from Koh Kong province, where the international border serves as the doorway between Cambodia and Thailand. Buses and boats can reach Sihanouk Ville from Koh Kong.

What to do and see?
Besides swimming and snorkeling, at the beaches, tourists can do their diving at Remote Island to see varieties of fishes and others marine creatures. Price of diving with professional guide is 70 US dollars. You can also hire water motorbikes at US $30 per hour. If you want to just drink and chill out you need to visit Otress beach, because it is a calm private beach.
Ochheuteal beach: is the most popular beach for swimming, dining, snorkeling and driving (water Moto). This beach is calm, sand is white, and tourists can stay until midnight. Local and foreign tourists swim here together. Restaurant and bars are located along the beach; BBQ of sea food is the mostly served food at lunch and dinner. Boat trip to the island can be organized by local agents and the price varies depending your negotiation skills. Internet cafes can also be found at Ocher Teal.
Sokha beach: This beach is owned by Sokha hotel, the only 5 star hotel in Sihanouk Ville. This beach is the most beautiful of all beaches of Cambodia. Locals are not allowed to swim there; it is reserved only for tourists who stay at Sokha beach hotel. Sand and water is white and clean, calm.
7 Chann beach (Independence beach): Named after the hotel which was built during the French time, 7 Chann that means 7 stories of the hotel building. This beach is private owned as well; presently the hotel has enlarged their beach line about 500 meters. This Beach is not reserved for the guests of the Independence resort & spa. It provides the best atmosphere for the honeymooners.
Otress beach: It is 10 minutes drive by motorbike from Ocher Teal beach. This beach is still natural and calm. Tourists enjoy their vacation here, because there are not so many people like Ocheu Teal beach. The restaurant & the bar that are located along the beach have friendly staff. This beach is clean & has beautiful sunsets.
Ream Beach: The Khmer movie, “Snam Sne Samut Ream”, was filmed here. This beach is quiet, very few people swim here, because it is far from town. There are many restaurants with hammock for welcoming the tourists.
Unfortunately, coconut trees were cut recently, if not it would have a beautiful view during the sunset.
Other beaches and places to see:
There are many more beautiful beaches such as Victory, Hawaï and Hunsen.
Kbal Chay water falls:
You need to set aside a half day for your trip to Kbal Chay water falls and Ream beach together. It is popular falls even among the local people and you can swim here.
Besides swimming and snorkeling, at the beaches, tourists can do their diving at Remote Island to see varieties of fishes and others marine creatures. Price of diving with professional guide is 70 US dollars. You can also hire water motorbikes at US $30 per hour. If you want to just drink and chill out you need to visit Otress beach, because it is a calm private beach.
Ochheuteal beach: is the most popular beach for swimming, dining, snorkeling and driving (water Moto). This beach is calm, sand is white, and tourists can stay until midnight. Local and foreign tourists swim here together. Restaurant and bars are located along the beach; BBQ of sea food is the mostly served food at lunch and dinner. Boat trip to the island can be organized by local agents and the price varies depending your negotiation skills. Internet cafes can also be found at Ocher Teal.
Sokha beach: This beach is owned by Sokha hotel, the only 5 star hotel in Sihanouk Ville. This beach is the most beautiful of all beaches of Cambodia. Locals are not allowed to swim there; it is reserved only for tourists who stay at Sokha beach hotel. Sand and water is white and clean, calm.
7 Chann beach (Independence beach): Named after the hotel which was built during the French time, 7 Chann that means 7 stories of the hotel building. This beach is private owned as well; presently the hotel has enlarged their beach line about 500 meters. This Beach is not reserved for the guests of the Independence resort & spa. It provides the best atmosphere for the honeymooners.
Otress beach: It is 10 minutes drive by motorbike from Ocher Teal beach. This beach is still natural and calm. Tourists enjoy their vacation here, because there are not so many people like Ocheu Teal beach. The restaurant & the bar that are located along the beach have friendly staff. This beach is clean & has beautiful sunsets.
Ream Beach: The Khmer movie, “Snam Sne Samut Ream”, was filmed here. This beach is quiet, very few people swim here, because it is far from town. There are many restaurants with hammock for welcoming the tourists.
Unfortunately, coconut trees were cut recently, if not it would have a beautiful view during the sunset.
Other beaches and places to see:
There are many more beautiful beaches such as Victory, Hawaï and Hunsen.
Kbal Chay water falls:
You need to set aside a half day for your trip to Kbal Chay water falls and Ream beach together. It is popular falls even among the local people and you can swim here.